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CISO priorities must shift in a heightened threat landscape

The cyber threat landscape is more disruptive than ever, putting pressure on CISOs to oversee an effective cyber defence strategy. Yet, 42% of cyber security decision-makers say that their cyber security operation, whether managed by a provider or in-house, is underperforming (E2E, 2024). Additionally, more organisations are looking to outsource cyber security services, with 67% of those who currently manage in-house looking to outsource in the future.  What cyber security needs are not currently being met and what are CISOs looking for in a provider? Read this article to find out.
Article Cyber Security Cyber Threats

Cloud, compliance, and control: why data sovereignty concerns are driving repatriation

Organisations migrating applications and workloads to the cloud face a variety of challenges throughout the process. While there's no singularly overwhelming challenge, meeting internal expectations for migration pace and keeping up with business demands are critical for both CTOs and practitioners involved in day-to-day cloud migration projects. This is driving a shift in cloud strategies with a growing number of organizations repatriating workloads from public clouds back to on-premises locations in order to retain more control over their data. However, well-targeted cloud migrations can continue to offer significant benefits despite the influence of repatriation on cloud modernisation strategies. So how can modern leaders and practitioners balance the needs of the business with the onward march of innovation?
Article Cloud Management

From governance to intelligence: why CDOs need to remap their data landscape

The article discusses the evolving role of Chief Data Officers (CDOs) in remapping the data landscape, emphasizing the importance of data governance in driving business success and leveraging new technologies. It highlights the need for CDOs to demonstrate the impact of data intelligence and educate the organization to unlock the true value of data.
Article Data Governance

Breaking down barriers: transforming data security in the cloud

In an era when an organisation’s data is arguably its most valuable asset, keeping track of sensitive data is a critical task for IT decision makers. With data spread across functions, locked in silos, and scattered across channels, cloud apps, and internal systems, the sheer amount of data present within a business can make it exceptionally challenging to track and manage. Unified visibility is critical then if businesses are to not only control but remediate and leverage data to drive operations, growth and success. However, with more data comes more risk. As technology evolves at pace, organisations must embrace innovative tools like Artificial Intelligence and automation if they want to ensure ‘data security everywhere’. Access this recent article to learn about the inherent data-led challenges facing organisations in 2024 and beyond - and how to overcome them.
Article Data Quality

Why cyber risk is everybody’s business

Maintaining cyber preparedness is crucial in the hybrid work environment as the shift to remote work and increased digital communication creates more opportunities for cyber attacks, emphasizing the need for organizations to prioritize education, implement layered defense strategies, and collaborate with integrated security platforms to mitigate risks effectively.
Report Cyber Security

Exploiting the cloud: doing more with less

Cloud computing offers businesses the opportunity to improve long-term efficiency, enabling digital transformation and reducing costs, while expert partners can assist with migration and management, allowing clients to focus on strategic endeavors. Migrating to the cloud not only drives innovation but also empowers companies to invest in automation and artificial intelligence, fostering continuous improvement and growth.
Whitepaper Cloud Computing

Beyond costs: measuring the value of data

Measuring the value of data is a challenge for organizations amidst rising investments. Total cost of ownership (TCO) must encompass infrastructure, downtime, and hidden costs, while emphasizing the need for a strong data strategy and viewing data as a business asset. Simplifying data ecosystems, adopting scalable tools, exploring decentralization and emerging technologies, and investing in data innovation are key to unlocking data's value.
Report Data Analytics Innovation

Friendly fire: is the UK’s chargeback problem getting out of hand?

Card-not-present retailers have seen a surge in transaction volume - but also an increase in disputes, particularly ‘friendly fraud’. Friendly fraud occurs when legitimate customers dispute legitimate online purchases, resulting in chargebacks for the retailers. This article explores how implementing effective fraud prevention techniques and evidence collection strategies remain crucial for retailers.
Report Charge Back Fraud Detection and Prevention

The making of an enduring ecommerce brand

Established retailers face the challenge of maintaining digital trust while meeting customer expectations in the ecommerce era. Brooks Running, a century-old brand, successfully transitioned to ecommerce by implementing an AI-driven fraud detection strategy, reducing chargebacks by 92% and striking a balance between security and customer experience, ultimately preserving its brand reputation and expanding into new markets.
Report eCommerce Fraud Detection and Prevention