Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) uncomplicates data storage, forever. Pure delivers a cloud experience that empowers every organization to get the most from their data while reducing the complexity and expense of managing the infrastructure behind it. Pure’s commitment to providing true storage as-a-service gives customers the agility to meet changing data needs at speed and scale, whether they are deploying traditional workloads, modern applications, containers, or more. Pure believes it can make a significant impact in reducing data center emissions worldwide through its environmental sustainability efforts, including designing products and solutions that enable customers to reduce their carbon and energy footprint. And with a certified customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B companies, Pure's ever-expanding list of customers are among the happiest in the world. For more information, visit www.purestorage.com.

Pure Storage

Strengthening Operational Resilience in Financial Services

"Operational disruptions can cause wide-reaching harm to consumers and pose a risk to market integrity, threaten the viability of firms, and cause instability in the financial system."- Financial Conduct Authority True resilience encompasses the entire ecosystem, with a focus on the data and technology that underpins modern business. This recently published white paper breaks down the key components of operational and cyber resilience regulations and the best practices for addressing them. - Changing Scope and Cost of Risk Management - Focus on Critical Infrastructure and Services - Cyber Security Front and Center
Ebook Cyber Risk Management
Pure Storage

A Digital Foundation for Digital Healthcare Payers WhitePaper

Explore the transformative impact of Pure Storage in our newest case study with HealthEdge. Addressing common challenges in healthcare data management like inefficient operations and high costs, HealthEdge enhanced their services using Pure Storage solutions. This case study demonstrates how technologies like Evergreen//One™, FlashArray//X™, and Portworx® Enterprise helped streamline services, reduce data center footprint, improve data protection, and achieve cost efficiency, especially during rapid growth. Dive in to see how Pure Storage can resolve similar issues in your healthcare organization, as it did for HealthEdge.
Whitepaper Data Management Platform (DMP)
Pure Storage

Pure Storage Microsoft Azure

Tackle your data management challenges with Pure Storage's Azure services, crafted to streamline processes in today's dynamic business environment. Our platform enhances data storage, boosts efficiency, and reduces costs, offering significant benefits for healthcare sector payers. Discover Pure Cloud Block Store™ in Azure, ensuring consistent data services and enhancing key areas like disaster recovery, data encryption, and cybersecurity. We are dedicated to ensuring data integrity, security, and compliance in health information management. Join us to explore these innovations and drive growth in your organization with the transformative power of Pure Storage's solutions.
Guide Data Management Platform (DMP)
Pure Storage

As-a-service IT: Maximizing Your Return, Wherever You Are on Your Modernization Journey

Herkömmliche Speicherarchitekturen sind nicht beweglich. Sie behindern die Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens, Upgrades vorzunehmen und zu skalieren, um die wachsenden Anforderungen von Unternehmens-Workloads zu erfüllen. Lesen Sie das Whitepaper, um herauszufinden, warum Unternehmen, die eine Cloud-ähnliche Flexibilität für ihre lokalen und hybriden Cloud-Umgebungen anstreben, in Folgendes investieren:
Report Cloud Services
Pure Storage

As-a-service IT: Maximizing Your Return, Wherever You Are on Your Modernization Journey

Traditional storage architectures are not agile. They hinder an organization's ability to upgrade and scale to meet the growing demands of enterprise workloads. Read the whitepaper to find out why businesses that desire more cloud-like agility, for their on-premises and hybrid cloud environments, are investing in: 
Whitepaper Cloud Services
Pure Storage

IT en tant que service: Maximisez votre rendement, où que vous soyez dans votre parcours de modernisation

Les architectures de stockage traditionnelles ne sont pas agiles. Elles entravent la capacité d'une organisation à se mettre à niveau et à se développer pour répondre aux exigences croissantes des charges de travail d'entreprise. Lisez le livre blanc pour découvrir pourquoi les entreprises qui souhaitent une agilité similaire à celle du cloud, pour leurs environnements sur site et hybrides, investissent dans:
Whitepaper Cloud Services